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Crimson Velvet Beauty Series Stock Photos

Crimson Velvet Beauty Series Stock Photos

$19.99 Regular Price
$14.99Sale Price

Elevate your brand with the Crimson Velvet Beauty Series, a premium photo stock pack designed to captivate and enhance your visual identity. This modern collection includes:


5 customizable mockups to showcase your products.
4 stunning, high-quality images featuring models.

Whether you're creating social media content, website banners, or marketing campaigns, these images will set your brand apart with a high-end, luxurious appeal. Perfect for businesses offering lashes, lip gloss, lipsticks, and other beauty products.


File Type: Zip Folder File with .png images.

  • By purchasing the Red Velvet Luxe Collection, you are granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the images for personal branding or client projects created by design agencies and freelancers. These AI-generated, professional-quality visuals may be used for marketing materials, social media, and other business purposes. However, the images may not be resold, redistributed, or used as part of any product for sale on platforms like Etsy or similar marketplaces. Ownership remains with Bold Luxe Design Studio, and unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

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